Ida Falls

A little known but beautiful walk to some sometimes flowing falls on the outskirts of Lithgow.

Address: Follow Inch street out of town till it turns into bells road. Continue until the houses end and you cross a tiny bridge. You can park on the road just before the bridge and walk over or park in the empty gravel lot just past the bridge and on the right. Once parked there is a track that heads back in the direction you just drove from and find the tunnel that crosses under the train tracks. 

Distance: About a 30 minute relatively easy walk out to the waterfall. A couple of creek crossings that you need to take a little care with and some slightly steep scurries up some hills that were difficult and slippery in the wet weather when I was there, especially the stairs carved into the dirt/mud.

I originally attempted this walk back in the new year right after the fires had destroyed a good part of the bush around Lithgow. We had to turn back when I realized there was still smoldering embers underneath the soil nearly a week later making it unsafe to proceed.
These pictures are taken in the exact same spot. How much difference just over three months can make to the world.
The valley is full of new growth of fern and bracken. Absolutely gorgeous. Hard to believe what it looked like back in January.
This cool stone viaduct is where you will start your adventure. Cross under the railway tracks and then across the creek on the other side.
There are some interesting remnants of some brick structures along the way to check out.
Including this lovely bricked dam along the creek
The track is very straight forward and rather flat and easy. There are a few signs but these are barely needed.
The falls are not always flowing and even with all the rain we had its not a dramatic waterfall but its in this amazing amphitheater.
A stunning place to relax and cool down and take some beautiful pictures while enjoying  the natural surrounds before heading back.
A nice easy walk and a great place to spend a couple of hours getting back to nature without heading too far from town!
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May 2020