Shale Hills

Corner of Second Avenue and Mannow Avenue is the main parklands carpark. The carpark is located where the Shale hills dog park is. This car park though like most Parklands car parks closes rather early. It is open from 6am till 8pm in the summer and closes at 6pm in the winter so if you want to go for a walk a little later find street parking anywhere near. 
About 3km and 45 minutes. It is a short and easy walk with the option to explore some small walking tracks or extending the walk by following the main walking track till you reach 32nd avenue and then continuing in a loop till you meet back with the track.
Shale hills is a short and easy walk that is on paved pathways the entire distance. Stroller friendly, kid friendly and perfect for a lazy day.
It follows through some very pretty hillsides and farmland and is a peaceful place for a quiet and relaxing afternoon walk.
The Badu wetlands make for a great place to stop and take a break while you watch ducks and other assorted wildlife that visits
 and these beautiful fields always seem to have plenty of rabbits to chase!
Probably one of the best reasons to visit though is the amazing award winning new dog park. Buffy is not really a social diva so we had to sneak in right on sunset when most other doggies had gone home but it is huge! and there is so much cool stuff to do here. Lots of agility practice equipment, fun tunnels to run through or jump over and even a garden full of smelly plants to sniff at!
It’s a great walk with a very laid back stroll through some lovely scenery in an area teaming with local wildlife (plus bunny’s!) and a chance to play with some other doggies at the end of the day! Perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon 🙂
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July 2020