The Rapids

Address: Rapids road Elands.
Follow Beech street until it turns on to Rapids road. Continue down Rapids road to the bottom of the hill. Keep an eye out for a random picnic table on the left hand side of the road and park next to it. If you cross over the river on the tiny cement bridge then you have gone too far. Back up about 20 metres from the bridge. 
There is no real walk here, just a pretty swimming hole 🙂
A popular spot for the locals of this pretty country town is a swimming hole known only as The Rapids.
  There is a nice deep part of the river to swim in as well as some deep bathing sized holes in the rapids that would make refreshing spa like  places to sit on a warmer and less rainy day.
The scenery is just so beautiful and the atmosphere complete tranquility.
Of course there is no trip that is not made better without a frisbee! 
One of Australia’s greatest secrets revealed and the best thing is it’s completely dog friendly!