Lawson Waterfall Walk

As tourists, honeymooners and people convalescing sought to escape Sydney, guest house owners responded to the need to develop walking tracks to show off local jewels. The track to Adelina falls was built in 1882 by the local publican in lawson and the falls named for his daughter Adelaide Wilson. Further tracks linking Adelina falls to Federal and Cataract falls and then to the local recreation area were built between 1882 and 1907.
There are two entrances, both with parking. Across from 74 Honour avenue and 94 Honour avenue Lawson. Both parking lots are linked by a short fire trail. The Dog park is near to the 74 Honour ave. Entrance.
The Entire circuit is a little under 3 kms.  Allow 2 hours to see everything without rushing 🙂
The former Lawson Golf course is an off lead dog park and a great place to stop by after your walk. 
This walk starts much like all such walks do.. Descending our first lot of steps down from the Entrance. 
The first falls I came across on my walk was Adelina Falls which was named after the Daughter of The Blue Mountain Inn Adelaide Wilson. (I am sure there is an interesting story to that..) Before it was called Adelina falls it was already named Livingstone Falls. 
Cascades are all along this walk. If you can hear water falling it might be worth following your ear to see what hidden paradise you find.
Junction Falls is actually two separate falls, one on Ridge creek and one on Lawson creek only a few metres apart but back in the day the one on Lawson creek used to be called Stanley Falls. Not sure about all this waterfall renaming.. Stanley is a fine name for a waterfall!
It is also an amazing place to play fetch
This is the other half of junction falls and just as picturesque.
This is the stunning federal falls.
Some of the scenery on this short walk is almost as breathtaking as the waterfalls are.
I said almost.. This is cataract falls. 
Cataract falls can be seen from the bottom and then you can climb up to an upper section for a completely different view of the falls.
So if you finished your beautiful walk and you have a dog like mine that somehow ends a two hour hike even more energized then when they started, then this is the perfect place for you. If you parked near the entrance that leads to Adelina Falls, as you come down the stairs there is a path to the right which leads over a small wooden bridge crossing a very pretty creek and then to the former Lawson golf course, now an off lead dog park… It is Massive! 
So yeah… game on!! Frisbee is life!
Have a look at..
June 2019